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Discovery Owners Club
Home Forum Joining Contact Members

The Discovery Owners Club was set up in 2000 by a number of enthusiasts to promote interest in the use and preservation of the Land Rover Discovery.

Join the club

Club membership costs just £10 per year for two individuals at the same address. Benefits of club membership include regular copies of Discourse (the club magazine), full access to our club forum, eligibility for member-only discounts, the opportunity to participate in club events and much more!

Click here to join the club online today!

If you'd like to discuss membership further, please feel free to contact the membership secretary by email on memsec@discoveryownersclub.org, or visit us on Facebook at facebook.com/thediscoveryownersclub.

The Discovery Owners Club are committed to safe, responsible use of the countryside by all, and are firm supporters of the Green Lane Association's off-road code of conduct.